This is a topic that comes up often. There are several reasons that a Realtor will require you to do this before taking you out to see many, if any, properties. Our own policy is to show 1 home, if requested, prior to pre-qualification. During that appointment we will also provide you with our Buyer Consultation information and give you everything you need to proceed with the lender pre-qualification process. Often times the basis for this requirement is not explained well and tends to leave a bad taste in the buyers mouth. We try to avoid that, but after reading the explanation below you'll understand more fully the reasons behind this mandatory step in the process.
I will do my best to explain a few of the reasons below so you have a full understanding as to why this step is important, and important to complete BEFORE looking for property.
1) We don't know what you can afford. Many times, buyers don't know either. Having a direct mortgage lender per-approve you will give you a very clear understanding of what you can afford. And, it will give you an idea of cash you'll need. In addition to your down payment at closing, some cash is needed when we write a contract to open escrow, and as we proceed through the inspection period to pay for the option period and various inspections.
2) It's literally heartbreaking to see buyers fall in love with a home they can't afford. This was not unusual prior to having the pre-qualification requirement in place. Once you know your approved price range, we'll only be touring homes you can afford. Thus, pre-qualification enables you to avoid the possibility of being denied a loan after becoming emotionally involved with a property.
3) In our area, sellers will not even entertain an offer unless you can provide a pre-approval letter with the offer. Keeping in mind that sometimes a matter of hours can make the difference in getting the home of your dreams or losing out when in a multiple offer situation. Valuable time can be lost if you still need your pre-qualification when you find the perfect home.
4) Many times, things pop up on the credit report that buyers are not even aware of which can have a negative effect on your ability to obtain a mortgage loan. The pre-approval process will check your credit report without lowering your score, identify and address any issues or potential problem areas on the credit report. This gives you the advantage of knowing everything about your credit health before you make an offer.
5) We will take all the time we need to help you find the right home, and guide you through the process of buying, all the way through closing, but unfortunately, not everyone is a real buyer. Many times we hear "I'm just looking around, I won't be buying until next year, but I'd like to see a few homes," or "I'm not really ready but if you find the right home, I'll buy it." Keep in mind, that next year at this time, or even 6 months from now, the market can be drastically different. Homes that are on the market today, will not be available next year. And, without pre-approval, we could be looking for something the ready-or-not buyer cannot afford, even if we do find the right home.
6) And lastly, we Realtors are paid on commission. This is how we make a living for our families. Meaning that we only get paid if you successfully close on a home. We are 100% willing to invest the time for as long as we need to so we can find you exactly what you are looking for at the best price. The pre-approval is your commitment to us. It says, “I’m serious about buying and not here to waste your time”.
The pre-approval is meant to protect you and your Realtor while providing clarity for all parties. So the next time a Realtor asks you if you are pre-approved, or if you would be willing to get pre-approved before viewing property, you will know why.